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الصفحة الحالية - الصفحة الرئيسية-علاقات المستثمرين-المعلومات المالية-البيانات التشغيلية


Update Time:

Note: the above data are from sina stock for reference only.

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البيانات التشغيلية

Date Title
2019/04/26 Operational Update on the First Quarter of 2019 and Outlook for the Second Quarter of 2019
2019/01/21 Operational Update on the Fourth Quarter of 2018 and Outlook for the First Quarter of 2019
2018/10/22 Operational Update on the Third Quarter of 2018 and Outlook for the Fourth Quarter of 2018
2018/08/02 Operational Update on the Second Quarter of 2018 and Outlook for the Third Quarter of 2018
2018/04/24 Operational Update on the First Quarter of 2018 and Outlook for the Second Quarter of 2018
2018/01/22 Operational Update on the Fourth Quarter of 2017 and Outlook for the First Quarter of 2018
2017/10/19 Operational Update on the Third Quarter of 2017 and Outlook for the Fourth Quarter of 2017
2017/07/16 Operational Update on the Second Quarter of 2017 and Outlook for the Third Quarter of 2017
2017/04/17 Operational Update on the First Quarter of 2017 and Outlook for the Second Quarter of 2017
2017/02/17 Operational Update on the Fourth Quarter of 2016 and Outlook for the First Quarter of 2017
2016/10/18 Operational Update on the Third Quarter of 2016 and Outlook for the Fourth Quarter of 2016
2016/09/08 Operational Update on the Second Quarter of 2016 and Outlook for the Third Quarter of 2016
2016/05/30 Operational Update on the First Quarter of 2016 and Outlook for the Second Quarter of 2016
2016/05/30 Operational Update on the Fourth Quarter of 2015 and Outlook for the First Quarter of 2016
2015/11/08 Operational Update on the Third Quarter of 2015 and Outlook for the Fourth Quarter of 2015
2015/11/08 Operational Update on the Second Quarter of 2015 and Outlook for the Thrid Quarter of 2015
2015/04/16 Operational Update on the First Quarter of 2015 and Outlook for the Second Quarter of 2015