الصفحة الحالية - الصفحة الرئيسية-معلومات عنا-مركز الأخبار-خطاب الإدارة التنفيذية

مركز الأخبار

2014 New Year's Address from the CEO

My son, how about this year? Is business going well? Every year at this time, my mother always asks me, and I always tell her, it is better than last year, my mother will always be happy, but will also has some worries. Over the years, Anton Oilfield Services (Group) Ltd has steady growth every year, which does not depend on explosive growth of one year, but by its own accumulated resources, and it goes very practical and every step is very lucky.

What kind of way is it? Anton values ​​derived from traditional Chinese culture, emphasizing the cultivation and responsibilities by which we recruit and train our personnel, and to attract customers, and we find that by this we can not only get the support of Chinese employees and customers, but also allow foreign employees and customers to accept us, through the promotion of oriental cultural values, we make many friends, thus this road going more smoothly. Anton, firmly relying on the advantages and opportunities of modern China, focuses on China's raw materials, human resources, and infrastructure support advantages, develops its core competitiveness, be first to seize the Chinese market, and this road is more and more stable. Our implementation of global standards, the use of a high level of quality standards and information management, the use of advanced technology, the globalization of the market-oriented, all make this road go wider and wider. The combination of traditional culture, modern China, and the global standard, together with eastern wisdom and global sharing, this is a broad road, we keep walking, Anton's long-term goal, based on China's construction of the world's leading oilfield services company, will certain to be achieved!

In 2013, under the new situation, especially inspired by the spirit of the Third Plenum, Anton proposed the "best" brand positioning at this stage: China's best private oilfield engineering technology partner and the world's best Chinese partner. Anton will further improve itself and increase the integration of services and products, to meet the requirements for full coverage of product lines. Anton starts from helping others succeed, playing a unique advantage of private enterprises, has sincere faith to help the state-owned oil companies, oil and gas private investors to find the global oil companies that most need help from Anton, and we will become responsible for these customers partners. We want to establish the best brand image in every key market, this is a road to the sun, and we are constantly stepping to success!

Anton way always needs hard work and sweat and is a hard road. In 2013, we fully implemented integration strategies, and strengthened routine service capacity building and reservoir technology investment, what was very smooth was that the new equipment had been fully put into use, and all our services and products made leap progress, so we already have large-scale integration project service capabilities. We reserve personnel in greater intensity than ever, recruiting 700 new students and introducing a number of mature talents. We enhance the safety and quality management system in accordance with international standards, and my dear friend Schlumberger appointed Executive Vice President JF acted as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of QHSE committee. We successfully completed a $ 250 million debt financing, and we just caught a good window, which is really wonderful. In 2013, we made a comprehensive reserve from product, personnel, and funds, and we made a solid step forward.

Anton’s way is getting easy to go and we will be more and more confident, and social development of the country is just as we expected, China needs to increase oil and gas production, and the global need China companies, what we are doing is exactly what people support, this is what an excellent thing, so as long as we strive, we will succeed! Why we are so lucky, I want to tell my mother that I was listening to her words and taking the right path, everyone is good to me, then my mother should be relieved. Thank you, all of you!

Rollins, president of Anton Oilfield Services (Group) and CEO of Antonoil
January 1, 2014